The 4th Congress of European Microbiologists offers professionals the latest information on microbiology, an in-depth understanding of the interdependence between key fields, and a chance to discuss solutions to future challenges. This microbiology congress, organized by The Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2011. We welcome professionals in the field to register, submit their abstracts, and help advance the world of microbes! WEB: FEMS brings together 46 member societies from 36 European countries, including over thirty thousand microbiologists. This important microbiology Congress will provide an interesting forum for thousands of European and other international colleagues to appreciate the current state of the art in microbiology during numerous symposia and workshops led by prominent scientists in their field. The meeting will be a chance to discuss solutions to future challenges and to provide topical coverage of key disciplines. Special attention will also be given to young scientists by providing an important number of grants allowing them to attend the Congress.
Congress Topics Topics for Abstracts for Poster Presentation: Antibiotic resistance and resistome Antimicrobial resistance Applied metagenomics Bacterial biofilms Bacterial pathotypes Bacterial population genetics Biotechnology and industrial microbiology Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Computational microbiology Emerging diseases Environmental microbiology Extreme environments Food microbiology Fungal development General virology and bacteriophages Global regulatory networks High-throughput approaches Interactions of bacteria with protozoans and macrophages Intracellular survival Metagenomics in the environment Metagenomics of the human body Metals and microbes Microbes and alternative energy sources Microbial cell biology and cell structure Microbial communities Microbial evolution, phylogeny Microbial pathogenicity Microbial persistence and chronic infections Microbial proteomics Microbiology education Microbiology of aquatic ecosystems Mobile genetic elements Molecular methods for diagnosis of infective agents New approaches to typing of bacteria New vaccine design Other Plant/microbes interactions Pollutant degradation: hidden microbial potential in nature to combat pollutants Secondary metabolites and metabolomics Secretion Signalling Small regulatory RNAs Toxin / antitoxin: activities and functions Vector-borne pathogens Viral infections and host genetics
Topics for Abstracts for Special Poster Discussion Groups:
Antibiotic resistance and resistome Bacterial biofilms Biotechnology and industrial microbiology Cell biology and cell structures Fungal development General virology and bacteriophages Global regulatory networks Metagenomics in the environment Microbes and alternative energy sources Microbial communities Microbial individuality Microbial pathogenicity Small regulatory RNAs Viral infections and host genetics
Topics for Abstracts for Workshops:
Antibiotic resistance and resistome Applied metagenomics Bacterial biofilms Bacterial population genetics CRISPR-based immunity in prokaryotes Extreme environments Food microbiology Fungal development High-throughput approaches Interactions of bacteria with protozoans and macrophages Intracellular survival: the fight to survive in Paradise Metagenomics in the environment Metals and microbes Microbial cell biology and cell structure Microbial persistence and chronic infections Mobile genetic elements New vaccine design Pollutant degradation: hidden microbial potential in nature to combat pollutants Secondary metabolites and metabolomics Toxin / antitoxin: activities and functions
Important Dates: Abstract Submission: 14 January 2011 Early registration deadline: 14 March 2011