The Australian botanical community invites you to Melbourne, Australia in July 2011 to participate in the XVIII International Botanical Congress. Australia has a vibrant scientific community active across all botanical disciplines and its researchers play a prominent and highly collaborative role in international biological sciences.
Scientific Program:
Systematics, evolution, biogeography & biodiversity informatics Ecology, environmental change & conservation Structure, development & cellular biology Genetics, genomics & bioinformatics Physiology & biochemistry Economic botany including biotechnology, agriculture & plant breeding Plants in Society Keynote symposia
Keynote Symposia will bring together innovative and ground-breaking research, focussing on emerging issues in plant science. Some of the topic areas under consideration are:
Climate change and adaptation Epigenetics and small RNA Evolutionary biology of land plants (the impact of genome sequences and comparative biology) Fertilisation Food production: challenges and solutions Modelling and plant development New models of signalling Origins of Australian and southern flora Plant biotic interactions (including plant–insect–fungi) Plant diversity and ecology Plant systematics in the 21st Century
Important dates: Abstract submission deadline (oral presentations): 31 October 2010 Abstract submission deadline (poster presentations): 1 February 2011 Early bird registration deadline: 1 February 2011 Deadline for registration by presenters: 1 March 2011 Accommodation booking deadline: 15 June 2011
Congress - 23 – 30 July 2011